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Complete Pregnancy Care

Complete Pregnancy Care

Complete Pregnancy Care

Pregnancy care can help your child develop and keep health of mother sound. Getting great consideration before, during, and after your pregnancy is vital. It is the most ideal way to be certain your little one gets an early advantage on a solid life.

Prenatal Care

Good prenatal care includes good nutrition and health habits before and during pregnancy. Ideally, you should talk with your Gynaecologist before you start trying to become pregnant. Here are some things you will need to do:

Choose a Gynaecologist: Here at Shreya Hospital find Best Gynaecologist in Ghaziabad, care for your pregnancy and childbirth. They will provide prenatal care, delivery, and postpartum services.

Take folic acid: If you are considering becoming pregnant, or are pregnant, you should take a supplement with at least 600 micrograms (0.6 mg) of folic acid every day. Taking folic acid will decrease the risk for certain birth defects. Prenatal vitamins almost always contain more than 600 micrograms (0.6 mg) of folic acid per capsule or tablet.

You should also:

  • Talk with your Gynaecology Doctor about any medicines you take. This includes over-the-counter medicines. You should only take medicines your Doctor says are safe to take while you are pregnant.
  • Avoid all alcohol and recreational drug use and limit caffeine.
  • Quit smoking, if you smoke.

Go for prenatal visits and tests:

You will be asked to meet our Gynaecologist many times during your pregnancy for prenatal care. The number of visits and types of exams you receive will change, depending on where you are in your pregnancy:

  • First trimester care
  • Second trimester care
  • Third trimester care

Prenatal Care in First Trimester

Trimester means “3 months.” A normal pregnancy lasts around 10 months and has 3 trimesters.

Prenatal means before birth. The first trimester starts when your baby is conceived. It continues through week 14 of your pregnancy. Our Gynaecology Doctors may talk about your pregnancy in weeks, months or trimesters.

Your First Prenatal Visit

You should schedule your first prenatal visit soon after you know that you are pregnant. Gynaecologist at Shreya Hospital will:

  • Draw your blood
  • Perform a full pelvic exam
  • Do a Pap smear and cultures to look for infections or problems

Specialist will listen for your baby’s heartbeat, but may not be able to hear it. Most often, the heartbeat cannot be heard or seen on ultrasound until at least 6 to 7 weeks.

During this first visit, Our Gynaecologist will ask you questions about:

  • Your overall health
  • Any health problems you have
  • Past pregnancies
  • Medicines, herbs, or vitamins you take
  • Whether or not you exercise
  • Whether you smoke, use tobacco, drink alcohol or take drugs
  • Whether you or your partner have genetic disorders or health problems that run in your family

You will have many visits to talk about a birthing plan. You can also discuss it with our doctor on your first visit.

The first visit will also be a good time to talk about:

  • Eating healthy, exercising, getting adequate sleep, and making lifestyle changes while you are pregnant
  • Common symptoms during pregnancy such as fatigue, heartburn, and varicose veins
  • How to manage morning sickness
  • What to do about vaginal bleeding during early pregnancy
  • What to expect at each visit

You will also be given prenatal vitamins with iron if you are not already taking them.

Prenatal Care in Second Trimester

The second trimester begins at week 14 and goes through week 28.

Routine Prenatal Visits

In your second trimester, you will have a prenatal visit every month. The visits may be quick, but they are still important. It is OK to bring your partner or attendant with you.

Visits during this trimester will be a good time to talk about:

  • Common symptoms during pregnancy, such as fatigue, heartburn, varicose veins, and other common problems
  • Dealing with back pain and other aches and pains during pregnancy

During your visits, our Gynaecologist will:

  • Weigh you.
  • Measure your abdomen to see if your baby is growing as expected.
  • Check your blood pressure.
  • Sometimes take a urine sample to test for sugar or protein in your urine. If either of these is found, it could mean you have gestational diabetes or high blood pressure caused by pregnancy.
  • Ensure that certain vaccinations are done.

At the end of each visit, our Specialist will tell you what changes to expect before your next visit. Tell the Doctor if you have any problems or concerns. It is OK to talk about any problems or concerns, even if you do not feel that they are important or related to your pregnancy.

Lab Tests

Hemoglobin testing. Measures the amount of red blood cells in your blood. Too few red blood cells can mean that you have anemia. This is a common problem in pregnancy, although easy to fix.

Glucose tolerance testing. Checks for signs of diabetes which can begin during pregnancy. In this test, your doctor will give you a sweet liquid. An hour later, your blood will be drawn to check your blood sugar levels. If your results are not normal, you will have a longer glucose tolerance test.

Antibody screening. Is done if the mother is Rh-negative. If you are Rh-negative, you may need an injection called RhoGAM around 28 weeks of gestation.


You should have an ultrasound around 20 weeks into your pregnancy. An ultrasound is a simple, painless procedure. A wand that uses sound waves will be placed on your belly. The sound waves will let your doctor or midwife see the baby.

This ultrasound is typically used to assess the baby’s anatomy. The heart, kidneys, limbs, and other structures will be visualized.

Ultrasound can detect fetal abnormalities or birth defects about half the time. It is also used to determine the sex of the baby. Before this procedure, consider whether or not you want to know this information, and tell the ultrasound provider your wishes ahead of time.

Genetic testing

All women are offered genetic testing to screen for birth defects and genetic problems, such as Down syndrome or brain and spinal column defects.

  • If the Doctor thinks that you need one of these tests, talk about which ones will be best for you.
  • Be sure to ask about what the results could mean for you and your baby.
  • A genetic counselor can help you understand your risks and tests results.
  • There are many options for genetic testing. Some of these tests carry some risk, while others do not.

Women who may be at a higher risk for these problems include:

  • Women who have had a fetus with genetic abnormalities in earlier pregnancies
  • Women age 35 or older
  • Women with a strong family history of inherited birth defects

Most genetic testing is offered and discussed in the first trimester. However, some tests can be performed in the second trimester or are done partly in the first and second trimester.

For the quadruple screen test, blood is drawn from the mother and sent to a lab.

  • The test is done between the 15th and 22nd week of pregnancy. It is most accurate when done between the 16th and 18th weeks.
  • The results do not diagnose a problem or disease. Instead, they will help the doctor or midwife decide if more testing is needed.

Amniocentesis is a test that is done between 14 and 20 weeks.

  • Your provider or caregiver will insert a needle through your belly and into the amniotic sac (bag of fluid surrounding the baby).
  • A small amount of fluid will be drawn out and sent to a lab.

Cell-free DNA testing can sometimes be done instead of amniocentesis. Blood drawn from the mother is the only requirement. Cell-free DNA testing is also called “noninvasive prenatal screening”.

Prenatal Care in Third Trimester

The third trimester goes from week 28 through week 40.

What to Expect

Expect increasing fatigue during this time. A lot of your body’s energy is directed toward supporting a rapidly growing fetus. It’s common to feel the need to reduce your activities and your work load, and to get some rest during the day.

Heartburn and low back pain are also common complaints at this time in pregnancy. When you’re pregnant, your digestive system slows down. This can cause heartburn as well as constipation. Also, the extra weight you are carrying puts stress on your muscles and joints.

It is important that you continue to:

  • Eat well — including protein rich foods and vegetables frequently and in small amounts
  • Rest as needed
  • Get exercise or get a walk in on most days

Routine Prenatal Visits

In your third trimester, you will have a prenatal visit every 2 weeks until week 36. After that, you will see your provider every week.

The visits may be quick, but they are still important. It is OK to bring your partner or attendant with you.

During your visits, the Doctor will:

  • Weigh you
  • Measure your abdomen to see if your baby is growing as expected
  • Check your blood pressure
  • Take a urine sample to test for protein in your urine, if you have high blood pressure

Your provider may also perform a pelvic exam to see if your cervix is dilating.

At the end of each visit, our Specialist will tell you what changes to expect before your next visit. Tell your provider if you have any problems or concerns. It is OK to talk about them even if you do not feel they are important or related to your pregnancy.

Lab Tests and Ultrasounds

A few weeks before your due date, your provider will perform the test that checks for group B strep infection on your perineum (groin area). There are no other routine lab tests or ultrasounds for every pregnant woman in the third trimester. Certain lab tests and tests to monitor the baby may be done for women who:

  • Have a high-risk pregnancy, such as when the baby is not growing
  • Have a health problem, such as diabetes or high blood pressure
  • Have had problems in a prior pregnancy
  • Are overdue (pregnant for more than 40 weeks)

Checking Your Baby’s Movement

In between your appointments, you will need to pay attention to how much your baby is moving. As you get closer to your due date, and your baby grows bigger, you should notice a different pattern of movement than earlier in your pregnancy.

  • You will notice periods of activity and periods of inactivity.
  • The active periods will be mostly rolling and squirming movements, and a few very hard and strong kicks.
  • You should still feel the baby move frequently during the day.

Watch for patterns in your baby’s movement. If the baby suddenly seems to be moving less, eat a snack, then lie down for a few minutes. If you still don’t feel much movement, call the doctor.

Call the Gynaecologist any time you have any concerns or questions. Even if you think you are worrying over nothing, it is better to be on the safe side and call.

If you have a high-risk pregnancy, you may need to see your Gynaecologist more often and have additional tests.


Your Doctor will talk with you about how to manage common pregnancy complaints such as:

  • Morning sickness
  • Backaches, leg pain, and other aches and pains during pregnancy
  • Problems sleeping
  • Skin and hair changes
  • Vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy

Some women have few or mild symptoms during pregnancy. Many women work their full term and travel while they are pregnant. Others may have to cut back on their hours or stop working. Some women require bed rest for a few days or possibly weeks to continue with a healthy pregnancy.


Pregnancy is a complex process. While many women have normal pregnancies, complications can occur. However, having a complication does not mean you will not have a healthy baby. It means your Doctor will monitor you closely and take special care of you and your baby during the remainder of your term.

Common complications include:

  • Diabetes during pregnancy (gestational diabetes).
  • High blood pressure during pregnancy (preeclampsia). Your Doctor will talk with you about how to care for yourself if you have preeclampsia.
  • Premature or preterm changes in the cervix.
  • Problems with the placenta. It may cover the cervix, pull away from the womb, or not work as well as it should.
  • Vaginal bleeding.
  • Early labor.
  • Your baby is not growing well.
  • Your baby has medical problems.

It can be scary to think about possible problems. But it is important to be aware so you can tell your Doctor if you notice unusual symptoms.


Talk with your provider about what to expect during labor and delivery. You can make your wishes known by creating a birth plan. Talk with your provider about what to include in your birth plan. You may want to include things like:

  • How you want to manage pain during labor, including whether to have an epidural block
  • How you feel about episiotomy
  • What would happen if you need a C-section
  • How you feel about forceps delivery or vacuum-assisted delivery
  • Who you want with you during delivery

It is also a good idea to make a list of things to bring to the hospital. Pack a bag ahead of time so you have it ready to go when you go into labor.

As you get close to your due date, you will notice certain changes. It is not always easy to tell when you will go into labor. Your Doctor can tell you when it is time to come in for an exam or go to the hospital for delivery.

Talk with your Doctor about what happens if you pass your due date. Depending on your age and risk factors, your Doctor may need to induce labor around 39 to 42 weeks.


Having a baby is an exciting and wonderful event. It is also hard work for the mother. You will need to take care of yourself in the first few weeks after delivery. The type of care you will need depends on how you delivered your baby.

If you had a vaginal delivery, you will likely spend 1 to 2 days in the hospital before you go home.

If you had a C-section, you will stay in the hospital for 2 to 3 days before going home. Your provider will explain how to care for yourself at home as you heal.

If you are able to breastfeed, there are many benefits to breastfeeding. It can also help you lose your pregnancy weight.

Be patient with yourself as you learn to breastfeed. It can take 2 to 3 weeks to learn the skill of nursing your baby. There is a lot to learn, such as:

  • How to care for your breasts
  • Positioning your baby for breastfeeding
  • How to overcome any breastfeeding problems
  • Breast milk pumping and storage
  • Breastfeeding skin and nipple changes
  • Timing of breastfeeding

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