Spine Tuberculosis
Pott’s disease referred to as spine tuberculosis is a form of tuberculosis that usually appears outside the lungs, and it can damage a variety of tissues, including the spine. For hundreds of years, it has been a major source of concern for humanity. Experts are working to determine the most effective therapy for the condition.
Shreya Hospital in Ghaziabad is best center for treatment of spine tuberculosis. Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Dev Mishra is expert in treating all type of spine problems. He has vast experience in treating all kind of bone and joint problems.
Spinal Tuberculosis, also known as Pott’s Disease, is a spinal infection caused by tuberculosis that can lead to osteomyelitis, kyphotic deformity, and spinal mechanical instability.

Signs & Symptoms of Spine Tuberculosis
Patients may show up with typical symptoms including weight loss, evening fever, lack of appetite, and back pain that doesn’t go away with physiotherapy, or they may show up with no symptoms at all.
The biomechanical change from an inflexible thoracic spine to a dynamic lumbar spine makes the thoracolumbar area susceptible to microtrauma, which may facilitate the seeding of TB bacteria. This region is commonly affected. TB bacteria often migrate from a primary location, such as the lungs or genitourinary system, to the vertebral body via a hematogenous pathway
Spinal TB is diagnosed based on clinical and radiographic cues, as well as microbiological and histological markers. Diagnosis is challenging, even when there is a strong clinical suspicion of spinal TB. Clinical symptoms lack specificity, and testing for TB infection may yield conflicting results. Spinal TB is usually paucibacillary, and the sites of infection may be difficult to collect specimens adequate for molecular testing, histology, culture, or microscopy. Despite this, mycobacterium isolation from clinical samples is critical for both diagnostic confirmation and drug susceptibility testing. Diagnosis is made with a CT-guided biopsy sent for acid-fast bacilli.
Treatment of Spine Tuberculosis
Treatment is usually bracing and anti-tuberculosis antibiotics in the absence of neurological defects or mechanical instability. Surgical management is indicated in the presence of neurological deficits, progressive kyphosis and/or mechanical instability.